GREAT QUALITY: This classy plastic dinnerware set is made of heavy-weight, premium-quality material, and it is non-toxic, BPA-free, and food-safe. It is also resistant to cracking or breaking. Durable and sturdy enough to carry more foods on plates, or to cut and pick up food with ease.
ELEGANT DESIG: The dinnerware set is designed in white and gold with a sleek look. It would look great on any table and match well with all table setup styles. The elegance of the modern cutlery appearance can really elevate the party and show a hit at the event with your guests by the design and quality.
PRAGMATIC AT ANY OCCASION: Perfect for all parties, events, gatherings, and galas, great to cater for weddings, bridal showers, birthday parties, Christmas parties, anniversaries, bachelorette parties, engagement parties, new years dinners, family reunions and holiday gatherings.
VALUE PACKAGE: This plastic dinnerware set includes 100 dinner plates, 100 salad plates, 100 knives, 100 spoons, 100 forks, and 100 cups. While being the same size as regular cutlery, the disposability is a great convenience and recommendation.
100% SATISFACTION: We stand behind our product and offer a 100% satisfaction for you. If you have any questions or concerns about our product or the product is damaged due to the shipping, please contact us for a satisfactory solution within 24 hours.

position: relative;
.aplus-v2 .apm-brand-story-carousel-hero-container,
.aplus-v2 .apm-brand-story-carousel-hero-container > div {
position: absolute;
width: 100%;
Ensuring the carousel takes only the space it needs.
The sizes need to be set again on the absolutely positioned elements so they can take up space.
.aplus-v2 .apm-brand-story-carousel-container,
.aplus-v2 .apm-brand-story-carousel-hero-container {
height: 625px;
width: 100%;
max-width: 1464px;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
overflow: hidden;
This centers the carousel vertically on top of the hero image container and after the logo area (125px).
Margin-top = (heroHeight – cardHeight – logoAreaHeight) / 2 + logoAreaHeight
.aplus-v2 .apm-brand-story-carousel .a-carousel-row-inner{
margin-top: 149px;
Cards need to have a width set, otherwise they default to 50px or so.
All cards must have the same width. The carousel will resize itself so all cards take the width of the largest card.
The left margin is for leaving a space between each card.
.aplus-v2 .apm-brand-story-carousel .a-carousel-card {
width: 362px;
margin-left: 30px !important;
/* styling the navigation buttons so they are taller, flush with the sides, and have a clean white background */
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.aplus-v2 .apm-brand-story-carousel .a-carousel-col.a-carousel-right {
padding: 0px;
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border: none;
margin: 0px;
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.aplus-v2 .apm-brand-story-carousel .a-carousel-col.a-carousel-right .a-button-image .a-button-inner {
background: #fff;
padding: 20px 6px;
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border-radius: 0px 4px 4px 0px;
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border-radius: 4px 0px 0px 4px;
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